Ideas for New Posts

    After taking a break from regularly posting on this blog, due to school and burnout, I’m ready to start making new posts again. I already have a few posts/post series ideas in the works, including:

  • Responding to a trinitarian argument
  • Interpreting Genesis 1-11
  • Isaiah’s servant songs (Isa. 49-53)
  • Dispensationalism
But I’m already starting to run out of concepts for new posts. Does anyone else have ideas or questions that you want me to address in a post? Please comment below if you can think of any!


  1. I would love to hear more of your thoughts on partial preterism!

    1. Hi Joey!

      I'd be happy to share more of my thoughts about preterism. But I don't want to dwell too much on that topic, because so many people who believe the same as me on other issues (universalism, unitarianism, etc.) also disagree strongly with me about this, and I consider it a secondary topic on which I don't want to cause too much division.

      Maybe I'll share my preterist commentary on Revelation in an upcoming post, for people to read and consider on their own.


Moving this blog

    Hi everyone! After some deliberation I’ve decided to move my blog over to a new address,