Taking a break from blogging

This decision to stop blogging (temporarily) is unrelated to my recent ‘conversion’ to partial-preterist eschatology (the belief that most of New Testament prophecy has been fulfilled). As a college student, I have a lot on my plate, and it’s becoming too difficult for me to keep up with school and work in addition to publishing weekly, lengthy studies on this site.

I’m not sure how long this break from blogging will take. It’ll probably be at least until my winter break in December, if not until the end of my next semester, in May 2024. I hope the studies that I’ve published so far on this site will continue to enrich people’s understanding of God and the Bible until I start blogging again.

Goodbye for now! (I’ll be back...)


  1. Despite my disagreements with some recent posts, you're an absolutely excellent writer, Andrew. It'll suck to not have your articles every week, but definitely take care of yourself (I am in college as well so I know exactly what you mean) and use as much time off as you need. I've used your articles to reach many people with the truth, so I hope this can offer some inspiration and knowledge that your work doesn't go unnoticed. Good luck with everything!


Moving this blog

    Hi everyone! After some deliberation I’ve decided to move my blog over to a new address,  https://thechristianuniversalist.blogspot.com/...